3 Simple Ways to Improve Skin Health (& get that Bridgerton Glow)

Have you watched Bridgerton yet? It was such a fun show to binge during the lockdown here in Canada. And oh my gosh, all the actors had the most glowing skin!

Skin tells the story of our internal health. And the good news is that it’s constantly communicating with us. When we take the time to listen to our bodies, we can make the best possible choices to improve skin health and achieve glowing skin.

The skin is the largest organ and debatably the hardest working one too! It protects us from the outside world and is a key pathway of elimination. If you are dealing with a chronic skin condition, it can seem overwhelming to know where to start.

Here are three tricks that I use to enhance my skin health.


Dealing with a chronic skin condition is not easy and can often lead to negative self-talk and lack of self-love. It may seem silly and not as important as diet and skincare, but self-love goes such a long way in lowering stress and allowing the body to heal when trying to improve skin health naturally.


One key aspect of skin health is hydration. And we can look at this in two ways, internally and externally. It’s important that we drink water and eat water in our foods to keep the skin hydrated from the inside out. We can also boost hydration externally by using smart skincare that supports barrier function and provides hydration to the skin.



Another way can support the skin from the inside out is with nourishing foods. Food is medicine and when we focus on real whole foods, we can see the benefits of glowing skin. Fresh fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants that help keep the skin healthy and happy. Less processed foods may help lower inflammation in the body and help to promote clear and glowing skin.  

I’d love to hear if you try any of these tips to improve skin health.

Wishing you happiness and that Bridgerton Glow.



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