Winter Skin Tips for Acne

Are you struggling with dry and flaky skin? Does your skin seem to be red and irritated no matter what moisturizer you try?

If you live in Canada, you know that Winter is here. The colder dry air can wreak havoc on the skin and cause irritation and dehydration.

The change in weather might have you searching for a thick cream or oil to lather your skin with. Here’s why that might not be working for you. Moisture is constantly being evaporated from the skin, this is known as trans epidermal water loss or TEWL for short. And because of this, it does no good to just simply lather on an oil or thick cream. We must first add moisture back to the skin with a hydrating serum or mist and then seal this in with a moisturizer.

How I support my skin in the winter:

1. Focus on barrier function

The skin is the body’s biggest gatekeeper and, when supported correctly, can heal and balance itself. Keywords being “when supported correctly,” meaning when you have a healthy skin barrier, you will be less prone to irritation and breakouts. When the barrier is intact, water is retained in the skin. Water is what keeps the skin healthy and is necessary for all enzymatic reactions. A strong barrier plays a vital role in the overall health of the skin, as it prevents bacteria, viruses, and other potential contaminants from entering the skin and triggering an inflammatory response. When the skin is less focused on fighting invaders, it can focus on healing and regeneration. 

2. Apply hydrating facial mists

Whether the skin is oily or dry or combination, hydration and barrier function are key. Applying thin layers of hydrating mists and serums and sealing this in with a non-pore clogging moisturizer is my favourite approach to repair the skin barrier.

Budget friendly tip: fill a spray bottle up with filtered water (if possible, alternatively tap water is fine) and use that as a facial mist in between each step of your skincare routine.


3. Apply daily SPF protection

Another key product to protecting your skin in the Winter is sunscreen. That’s right! Even though it’s Winter your skin needs SPF every day. Especially true for those who are noticing dry of flaky skin. Whether it’s physical or chemical, wear it! Everyday! Sunscreen is so important to help protect and repair barrier function and keep the skin happy and healthy. Do not be swayed by other fancy skincare products and forget your sunscreen. There is truly no sense in spending money on other products if you are skipping daily SPF.

Hydrated skin is happy skin, which promotes healing and gives you that summertime glow! If your skin is feeling dry and flaky, consider layering a facial mist and don’t forget the SPF.

Looking for more? Listen to the Skin Theory podcast.

With happiness and clear skin,



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