Love your Lymph to Clear Acne Breakouts

Lymphatic What Now?

Lymphatic congestion may contribute to acne breakouts as it plays a key role in immunity, detoxification, and digestion. While often overlooked, lymphatic drainage for acne can be very supportive in clearing breakouts.

Just beneath the surface of the skin in the superficial capillaries, our lymphatic system is a bit like our inner ocean, flowing alongside our other detox pathways (liver and kidneys) to remove waste. When we ingest toxins (which is unavoidable in this modern day) they are absorbed into our lymph system through the small intestine by lymphatic vessels called lacteals. Too many toxins may overload the lymphatic system, leaving it unable to effectively detox the body. When this happens, the lymph system uses the skin as a secondary detox pathway, pushing out that build-up through our pores, resulting in acne breakouts. Acne around the jawline and the neck area can be an indication of congestion in the lymphatic system.

Lymphatic drainage for acne

See Eva’s full journey here


Love Your Lymph to Prevent and Heal Chronic Acne

Supporting the lymphatic system is key to managing fluoride-related breakouts. The lymphatic system flows as a function of movement and breath so it’s important to incorporate modalities that support this detox pathway.

  • Move your body and get some daily exercise

  • Break a sweat in a sauna, have a hot bath with Epsom salts, or take a hot yoga class  

  • Add facial gua sha massage to your skincare routine

  • Detox with fresh ginger throughout your day

  • Dare yourself to take a contrasting shower, turn the tap from hot to cold

  • Use gravity to your advantage and rebound on a trampoline to get the lymph flowing

Ready for more? Check out the Acne Reset and get immediate support.

With happiness and clear skin,



Winter Skin Tips for Acne


The Barrier Necessities: Damaged Skin Barrier Repair for Clearing Acne