5 Things I wish I know before starting Accutane

If you are dealing with acne and frequent breakouts chances are you have heard of Isotretinoin, commonly known as Accutane or Roaccutane. With countless anti-acne avenues, it can be extremely difficult to choose what’s right for you and your skin. Accutane is typically the avenue of last resort.

I took Accutane over 7 years ago when my breakouts were at their worst. I felt so desperate to find anything that MIGHT work for my skin, that I barely listened to all the side effects my dermatologist was listing. You might be confused why a holistic health nut like myself would take Accutane, this was simply a different season of my life. I made a choice based on what information I had at the time. We are all doing the best we can and it’s okay to change your perspective as you grow. There is no right or wrong decision.

Below are some things that I wish I could have told my younger self pre-Accutane.


5 things I wish I know before starting Accutane:

1.       Accutane does not work for everyone

Accutane has demonstrated high effectiveness in the treatment of severe acne and can be a solution to prevent acne scarring both physical and psychologically. Studies have shown that it works for about half the people that take it and can be a life-long “cure”. That’s right! Just half!

2.       Accutane is not a permanent fix

Acne relapse is frequent, and in many cases, patients opt to stay on the drug for many years at a lower dose to keep symptoms at bay. This was the case for me! Accutane was not a cure-all for me.

3.       Accutane damages the skin barrier

Accutane triggers your cells to turnover more rapidly. This helps your skin heal and repair itself faster and reduces sebum production. Simplistically, less sebum means less clogged pores, which means less breakouts. But what this also does is sensitizes the skin and damages the skin’s natural barrier. This results in severe dry skin, cracked lips, dermatitis, scaly and red rash like symptoms especially in areas around the mouth, eyes and nose.

Accutane forever changed the composition of my skin, and to this day (7 years post Accutane) I still have to be super careful about what products I am using and be sure they do not sensitize my skin.

4.       Accutane does not address the root cause of acne triggers

Acne is complex and simplifying it to sebum production does not address the root cause. Chronic acne can have multiple triggers and suppressing these does your body a huge disservice. Skin tells the story of our internal health we just have to learn to tune in.

5.       Accutane is not a quick fix

In most cases, Accutane takes 4-6 months to show results. That’s right, even Accutane is not an overnight fix! Did you know that you can start seeing results with a holistic approach in as soon as 3-6 months?!

There is no doubt that Accutane is an effective acne-treatment, and it is absolutely an option, but it’s not the ONLY option.

Clear skin is possible without Accutane. With a holistic approach to acne therapy clear and happy skin is possible! By making simple tweaks and substitutions to your lifestyle, skincare practices, and nutrition you can achieve your happiest, clearest skin. If you want to learn more about a holistic approach to acne therapy, please click the button below and head over to my contact page to sign up for a free intro call. I offer skin healing programs and routines that are personalized to fit your unique skin needs.

Accutane was a decision I made from fear and desperation. My hope is that anyone struggling with acne can read this and make a choice with all their options on the table. If Accutane doesn’t feel 100% right for you, just know that it is not your only option for clear skin.

With happiness and clear skin,


Need more support? Join the Acne Reset to clear acne for good! Full details here.



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