Alcohol & Acne: How I keep my skin happy while living my life

It’s that time of year when there are countless parties and social engagements that most likely involve alcohol. It can be very difficult to let yourself enjoy a glass of wine or mixed drink in fear that it may cause a breakout. Believe me, I’ve been there. Here’s the thing, being more restrictive with your diet and lifestyle choices does not guarantee clearer skin.

This time of year you are supposed to celebrate and reconnect with friends and family. And acne should not be a reason for you to miss out on the fun. Drinking alcohol is completely your choice, but I’m here to let you know you don’t need to restrict yourself completely for the sake of clear skin.

Here’s how I support my skin when I am drinking alcohol:  


I swear staying up late has more affect on my skin than alcohol does. Having a couple drinks doesn’t mean you need to stay up till 4am. Prioritizing sleep will help keep your hormones and skin happy this holiday season.

Skip the Tonic

Opt for low sugar drinks like a dry red wine, prosecco, or tequila to keep blood sugar levels calm. Sparkling water makes a great mixer.   

Lately I have really been loving Bonterra Cab Sauv. It’s a Californian dry organic red wine. I don’t know a lot about wine but I either go for an organic wine, or for something from Europe to avoid the many terrible pesticides. This came recommended by one of my absolute favourite humans, Megan. This gal seriously knows her wine, so I always trust her judgement.

Sip Slowly

This is my favourite tip! Really enjoy and be mindful of your drink. Sip it slowly and you will find that 2 drinks are plenty for an evening of socializing. Also, mix in a water between each alcoholic drink.

Don’t Skip Dinner

Make sure you have a full and satisfying dinner. Drinking on an empty stomach causes more stress to your body. This will also make that 1am pizza run seem less tempting.

Get back to Routine the Next Day

Don’t let an evening turn into the whole weekend. After a late night nothing is more appealing than a greasy fast-food breakfast, but your skin will benefit most from a nutrient dense breakfast.

Swap the Coffee for Water

Alcohol dehydrates the body, and we all know that staying hydrated keeps the skin happy. So, first things first, start the next day with plenty of water.  

These are some easy things you can do to help keep your skin happy when drinking alcohol. So go ahead and have that glass of wine (I know I will be). Don’t let acne stop you from living your awesome life and feeling that you can indulge from time to time just like anyone else.

With happiness & clear skin,



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