Common misconceptions when healing acne

I have thought all of these at one point in my healing journey.

1. You need to use harsh and drying spot treatments and skincare products.

We often think that acne needs to be attacked with drying spot treatments and harsh products. Let’s just all pause and think, has this ever worked? You might notice results at first, and maybe even less breakouts BUT I can almost guarantee that long-term use of harsh products will destroy your skin barrier and this will lead to further breakouts down the road. We need to switch our mindsets from attacking acne to supporting the skin and promote healing with hydration and LOVE. Less is MORE and by supporting the skin barrier your skin can heal itself.

2. Natural and organic is always better.  Hear me out, I love natural and organic products & I am so thrilled to see them becoming more mainstream.

However, organic doesn't always mean it's good for your skin, especially if you are acne-prone. Don't be fooled by the label claims. Like I always say, check the ingredients list.

The most common ingredient I see in organic skincare is OIL. Most oils are not absorbed by your skin and just sit on top of it, clogging your pores and causing congestion, which may lead to breakouts. If you have been using a product for a while and are still seeing consistent breakouts, check your products for oils.

3. Restrictive dieting is the only way to clear your acne.

If you are feeling stressed about your food choices and overwhelmed by all the mixed recommendations on what you should and should not be eating for acne. I’ve been there! Here’s the thing, our relationship with food is just as important as the food choices we are making. Even when I was eating my absolute “cleanest” and completely gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free my skin barely improved. I was overly stressed about the food I was eating and even fearful that every little thing would cause a breakout.

Can you relate to any of these? Let me know!

With happiness and clear skin,



My Homemade Chicken Soup for Glowing Skin


The Fluoride-Acne Connection