The Fluoride-Acne Connection

Breakout Break-up

Severing the Fluoride-Acne Connection

Chronic acne is a frustrating, uncomfortable, often embarrassing condition that many people struggle with and which can be the result of underlying causes that can be difficult to identify. The usual first steps to beating acne may include using harsh skincare products or even medication to fight against breakouts. When those don’t work acne-sufferers may begin to look at a more holistic acne treatment by cleaning up their skincare routine, diet, and lifestyle.  But the real problem may be less elusive than you think. As far-fetched as it may sound, fluoride could be the barrier between you and clear skin. You might be wondering “Does fluoride affect your skin?”

Fluoride’s effective marketing has made it one of the most successful health initiatives of the twentieth century. From toothpastes and dental care products to most municipal water systems, fluoride has been touted as an essential mineral necessary for the healthy development of teeth and prevention of cavities. But recent research is showing fluoride to be problematic and potentially damaging to our bodies.

Fluoride is a compound of fluorine which belongs to a group of elements called the halogens, which are by nature very reactive. Fluorine is the lightest and the most unstable of the halogens, commonly referred to the most reactive element on the planet! It’s been used in everything from smelting to industrial applications, to producing high-temperature plastics, and the now-banned chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

Something in the water. Fluoride was initially introduced into city water systems because of its ability to help remineralize weakened tooth enamel, reverse early tooth decay, and prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth. While it has been a successful tool at helping to manage widespread tooth decay, its benefits come at a cost: too much fluoride is linked to dental and skeletal fluorosis (causing pain and damage to bones and joints) and potentially to thyroid problems, kidney disease, lower IQ rates in children, and even bone cancer.

Face the Fluoride Facts

Fluoride’s bioaccumulative ability means that it hangs around in the body in increasing amounts that may interfere with various bodily systems and block their ability to eliminate waste and toxins, resulting in—you guessed it—breakouts!

Disruption Eruption Fluoride is a known endocrine disruptor and has been shown to depress thyroid function as well as contribute to iodine deficiency by displacing iodine receptors, a major component of healthy thyroid function. A compromised thyroid can lead to imbalanced hormones, which contribute to acne.

Fluoride is also an enzyme disruptor, pitting its highly negative charge against positively charged ions like magnesium which is responsible for over 300 essential metabolic reactions in the body and is one of the best minerals to promote calm and clear skin. Healthy levels of anti-inflammatory magnesium balances hormones, calms the nervous system, promotes the healthy metabolism of estrogen and aids in the manufacturing of steroid hormones like progesterone all of which contribute to reduced skin inflammation and breakouts.

Pathway Impediment Fluoride may also contribute to acne breakouts by causing congestion in the lymphatic system which plays a key role in immunity, detoxification, and digestion. Just beneath the surface of the skin in the superficial capillaries, our lymphatic system is a bit like our inner ocean, flowing alongside our other detox pathways (liver and kidneys) to remove waste. When we ingest fluoride, it is absorbed into our lymph system through the small intestine by lymphatic vessels called lacteals. Too much fluoride (or other toxin) in our bodies can overload  the lymphatic system, leaving it unable to effectively detox the body. When this happens, the lymph system uses the skin as a secondary detox pathway, pushing out that build-up through our pores, resulting in acne breakouts. Acne around he jawline and the neck area can be an indication of congestion in the lymphatic system.

fluoride acne connection _ caralyn hale_acne specialist
fluoride acne connection _ caralyn hale_acne specialist

A Fluoride Detox for Clearer Skin

The best way to see if fluoride is contributing your acne is to decrease your exposure and try some techniques to give your lymph some oomph!

Fluoride Liquidation!

Fluoride isn’t just in toothpaste and dental products. It’s added to most municipal water sources and can be found in certain foods like grapes, teas, and wines.

Toothpaste brush-up Taking fluoride out of the bathroom routine has never been easier. With many fluoride-free dental products on the market, it’s a snap to find one that works for you.

Filter this! There’s a good chance that the water where you live is fluorinated. Invest in a water filter that uses activated alumina, distillation, bone char, or reverse osmosis. Note that common commercial jug filters won’t remove fluoride.

Food for thought Fluoride also shows up in the food we eat. Here are a few of the top offenders to avoid for clear skin:

  • Tea, as the leaves can take up fluoride directly from the soil. To minimize your fluoride exposure, stick with high-quality white teas made from younger leaves. These contain antioxidants which counteract the toxins in tea.

  • Wine, specifically from regions that still use cryolite, a fluoride-based pesticide

  • Mechanically de-boned meat, from bones and other high-fluoride bits that end up in the finished product

  • Non-organic chicken products, mostly due to pesticide use on chicken feed

  • Beverages that are made from fluoridated water. Bottled water will typically list the amount of fluoride, but a lot of pops and juices do not. If the product was produced in a city that fluorinates their municipal water, one can assume it has fluoride in it

Cookware Clean-up Fluoride can also be found in nonstick Teflon cookware, which, when heated to a high temperature, can leach toxins into the foods you eat. Choose stainless steel instead!

Love Your Lymph

Supporting the lymphatic system is key to managing fluoride-related breakouts. The lymphatic system flows as a function of movement and breath so it’s important to incorporate modalities that support this detox pathway.

  • Move your body and get some daily exercise

  • Break a sweat in a sauna, have a hot bath with Epsom salts, or take a hot yoga class  

  • Add facial gua sha massage to your skincare routine

  • Detox with fresh ginger throughout your day

  • Dare yourself to take a contrasting shower, turn the tap from hot to cold

  • Use gravity to your advantage and rebound on a trampoline to get the lymph flowing

Need more Lymph Support - check out my blog here

The Clear Results

It can take a long time for the body to completely detox from fluoride, but decreasing your exposure and supporting your lymphatic system can help you determine if fluoride is a trigger for your acne as results should become visible within three months of starting. Not only clearer skin and diminished redness and irritation (especially in the thin and delicate areas around the eyes and mouth), but improved digestion, immunity, and decreased PMS symptoms are all signs that your body’s systems are working more optimally.

As awareness of environmental toxins and the impact of their bioaccumulation on health becomes more widely known, we are likely to see holistic solutions become more mainstream. I’m so happy you took the time to pause and think about does fluoride affect your skin. Chronic acne is complex and often rooted in deep imbalances within the body, but banishing fluoride through healthy supportive practices could be the saviour for you and your skin!

Interested in more information on the fluoride-acne connection? Read The Hidden Cause of Acne.

Big love,


Looking for more 1:1 Support? Set up a free call with Caralyn Here.


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